The Förderndes Mitglied der SS (SS-FM)
The SS-FM was a Nazi organisation of patron membership for financial supporters of the Allgemeine SS (General SS). Members contributed monthly and for their support they received a numbered enamelled pin badge, a membership book and a monthly magazine, the FM-Zeitschrift.
The SS-FM was set up in 1926 and organised by the SS Wirtschafts-und Verwaltungshauptamt (SS Economic and Administrative Department). The SS-FM also arranged entertainment such as concerts for members in conjunction with local Allgemeine SS Sturm.
The badge comes in two forms, produced by Deschler & Sohn, a standard members badge and a silver honour badge form which was introduced in 1935 with oak leaf decoration and honour script for the first 30,000 members. Later this honour pin was given to a further 30,000 of its earliest members.
Upon cessation of SS-FM membership former patrons were required to return their badges. Badges with a new re-issue number are encountered. (See image below for an example.)
The SS-FM badge is one of the most commonly faked of SS related badges, fakes of the standard and the honour badge abound.