SS Porzellan Allach – A Look Inside the Allach Berlin Shop Window

An article that has never been published since 1938 allows  us to to take a peek into the SS Porzellan Allach Berlin shop window of 1938. A series of pictures from a SS Das Schwarze Korps newspaper in my collection.

SS Porzellan Manufaktur Allach Shop Berlin


Period 1938 images of Allach Porcelain products that would have been sold at that time below.

Left, Model K1 ‘Urne mit Germanische Motiven, height 14cm and right, Model K503 Kugelvase, height 16cm


‘Vasen mit Germanische Motiven’  Keramik. Left to right Model K2/II, K2/I and K2, 40,29 and 21cm, respectively


Left, Model K3 ”Topf mit Germanischen Motiven’, 19cm height. Right Model K6, ‘Schale mit Germanischen Motiven’




The huge Allach vase, 74cm in height! Model number: K5 Artist: Franz Nagy. See the example in the Wewelsburg Museum here