Third Reich Lugers and their Accessories. The Pistols of Germany and her Allies in Two World Wars. Volume II by Jan C. Still

The authoritative work on the Luger.

Still’s Books, Douglas, AK, 1988. Illustrated Boards. 1st Edition. 291pp/illus. Red Hardcover with black embossed decorations; published without a dust jacket.

This book covers military and police Lugers, commercial Lugers, Krieghoff Lugers and Mauser pistols. Holsters, loading tools, magazines, cleaning rods, conversion units and literature are specifically related to each of the Luger variations. Over 125 Luger variations and sub variations and their accessories are covered. Part of Still’s Multi-Volume master work on the subject. Clean Size: 9¾” – 12″ tall

Overall, this book is in excellent condition with no pencil marks and no bent, folded or missing pages.  These books are a must-have for collectors. Covers all variations, sub-variations, and the accessories that go with each gun. A very extensive resource book. Includes plenty of photos for reference as well.

Guaranteed original, great price.


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